Global Water Dances at Steyerberg (Germany) on Sunday, June 15, 2025
Global Water Dances is a bold visionary artistic initiative focused on the critical need for safe drinking water. Inspire action, leadership, and international collaboration for environmental water solutions through the universal language of dance.
This performance workshop is open to all, amateurs to professionals, who feel like expressing themselves in movement. We will connect with water in nature - feel it, move it, dance it.
During this weekend in June of 2025, people from all over the world will meet to dance on the theme of "water". We will be a part of this global movement in the village of Steyerberg, Lower
Saxony and in the Permaculture Park at Lebensgarten Steyerberg (PALS).
With the tools from Rudolf Laban, Antja will facilitate the choreographic process with the existing skills from the group. Individual movement sequences and structured
improvisation phrases developed in subgroups will be combined into a choreography within a very short time. The dance will be for the most part created on-site and performed on this weekend, with
some preliminary rehearsals online on two Saturdays beforehand.
Via Zoom - for the global part of the dance: Saturday May 31, 10-13h, Monday June 2, 19 - 21 h, Saturday June 7, 10-13h and Tuesday June 10, 19 - 21 h
On site - Steyerberg / PALS, Lower-Saxony, Germany: Friday, June 13 starting at 15h. – Sunday,
June 15, 2025 approx. 16h.
If you are interested in participating, please write an email.
Global Water Dances - Steyerberg 2023 Director of a dance event at the Aue river side behind the Amtshof Steyerberg, in the Permaculture Park at the Eco-Village of Steyerberg (Lebensgarten Steyerberg) and on the village square of Lebensgarten Steyerberg, Germany ( website)
Dance for Diversity Directorship of the Creation of a Movement Choir at EDEN***** Studios Berlin, 2020
The Rising Sun at the Laban Event on Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland; Music (live): Klaus Latza; 2017
Global Water Dances -Steyerberg 2017 Directorship of a dance event in the Permaculture Park at the Eco-Village of Steyerberg (Lebensgarten Steyerberg), Germany (
Global Water Dances -Bremenhaven 2013 Directorship of a dance event downtown and on the dike, Bremerhaven with students from impuls, Bremen
Global Water Dances -Bremen 2011 Directorship of the dance event downtown (“Schlachte”) Bremen with students from impuls, Bremen (youtube)
Tango Dream Group improvisation for students of impuls, Bremen, 2006
In the morning before class, In the break and Feedback Round Group improvisation for students of impuls, Bremen, at „Schön war´s! – A Day at impuls“, 2005
Waterways Part of the program „Antanzen“, group improvisation for students of impuls, Bremen at the Waldorf School, Bremen, 2003
Come in, Check in, Plane Part of the program „Dance Window“, group improvisation for students of impuls, Bremen, at the "Schlachthof", Bremen, 2002
Dance at the Terminal Group improvisation for students of impuls, Bremen, at the Bremen airport, 2001
Art of Choice Directorship of the piece, with the composition course, at LOT, Berlin, 2000
Locomotion Group improvisation for students of the stage dance education of "Die Etage", Berlin, 1993
Natura non facit Saltus - An “Enviro-move-ment” with Dieter Baumann, Norbert Kliesch, Susanne Kukies, Brigitte Markland, Christina von Massenbach, Ka Rustler, Katharina Scholz, in the park of Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, 1988 (July 9: and July 10:
At the Zoo Group piece with Tobias Burkhart, Mathias Früh, Michael Keim, Elisabeth Molle, Mikado, Karin Rasper, Ursula Ritter; Music: Laurie Anderson, at the Tanzfabrik Berlin, 1985
Cafezinho Group piece with Mishiko Hachisuka, Dieter Heitkamp, Dagmar Ohl, Uwe Wenzel, Sabine Lemke, Bernd Oberländer; Music: Dudu Tucci (live) and Caetano Veloso (Tape), at the Tanzfabrik Berlin, 1982